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Forbes: P360 is Changing How Life Sciences Companies Communicate

Life Sciences

by Kimberly Gregorio | Last Updated: May 24, 2021 | Read Time 1 min read

At P360 our mission is to help healthcare professionals and life sciences companies form deeper, more symbiotic relationships. The key to this is better communication. That’s why we are putting so much of our effort into developing innovative technologies that help life sciences companies better engage with their physician customers. Forbes has even recognized our efforts in this recent article1 on the topic.

When it comes to our solutions, P360 takes a holistic approach to solving some of the life science industry’s most complex problems. By leveraging technologies that most healthcare professionals already use in their daily lives we are able to provide convenient access while delivering a user experience that is both intuitive and frictionless. For example, our Swittons IoT-powered smart devices help sales reps engage with physicians in a less abrasive, more physician-driven manner. Not only do our Swittons smart devices solve several issues for sales reps, they have also revolutionized the engagement experience for physicians.

Actions like ordering samples or requesting drug consultations have never been easier and more intuitive. Previously, these requests were somewhat complicated because multiple devices and systems were involved – some digital and some paper. With Swittons, all that a prescriber needs to do is push a button and the rest is taken care of automatically.

Robot and human touching screen

However, Swittons isn’t the only product we have in our portfolio to help move the industry forward. Another product we recently launched is the BirdzAI ZING Communication Module, also known as simply ZING. We launched ZING to bring a new channel of engagement to life sciences companies that enables them to communicate with healthcare professionals and patients in an easy, compliant manner. ZING does this by: including asset and message templates that can be preapproved by compliance; providing detailed records and traceability of conversation, and integration with existing commercial infrastructure.

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The ZING platform is powered by AI models that provide recommendations and visualization tools for monitoring, so there is less to worry about when it comes to compliance issues. This makes ZING highly effective and convenient, giving marketers, sales professionals and medical advisors a perfect way to engage with customers. And one of the other aspects that make ZING’s capabilities so unique is that the platform doesn’t require healthcare professionals or patients to do anything different than what they are already doing in their daily lives. It is a ubiquitous channel of communication for every smartphone user, and recipients get their information on demand and when needed it.

As life sciences companies are modularizing their content more and more, and text messages are the best channel to deliver this content. Using AI models and integrated chatbots, P360 is expanding the capabilities of what can be done. Healthcare professionals can now do everything from ordering medical products and therapeutics to receiving medical information at the click of a few buttons.

When it comes to life sciences, making the most of every interaction is essential. And even as the pandemic slows down, the way businesses operate will not. As such, digital technologies that improve communication and that create efficiencies will always be in demand, so there is no limit to where Swittons and ZING might go. Their only limit is your imagination!


1: https://www.forbes.com/sites/shamahyder/2021/05/21/what-this-life-sciences-software-company-can-teach-us-about-communication/?sh=6274c4bb3dd4