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Why Text Messaging Improves Physician Engagement

Why Text Messaging Improves Physician Engagement

by Kimberly Gregorio | Last Updated: July 13, 2023 | Read Time 1 min read

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As the world becomes more mobile-centric, text messaging has become a vital tool for businesses that want to increase customer engagement and drive revenue. The pharmaceutical industry is no exception. Pharma reps can benefit greatly by using text messaging to connect with physicians, who are often too busy to engage in lengthy phone calls or email exchanges. But if that isn’t convincing enough, here are five more reasons to try it.

1. Text messaging is a preferred form of communication

It's not difficult to see why text messaging has become a preferred form of communication. With over 23 billion text messages sent each day globally, people are clearly comfortable with the convenience and time-saving the technology brings. And because physicians are people too, there’s a good chance they are open to text messages as well. Why not? They are busy professionals, so it seems logical they would prefer a fast and simple way to communicate.

Furthermore, text messaging is now considered to be an acceptable form of business communication. However, it is much more efficient than its predecessors. Thus, physicians are more likely to respond to texts than emails or phone calls.

2. Text messaging increases sales

One of the primary goals of pharmaceutical companies is to drive revenue. By using text messaging to communicate with physicians, pharma companies can increase sales and engage with customers in a more effective way. In fact, research has shown that 96% of professionals find that text messaging helps drive revenue. By providing physicians with relevant and timely information, pharma companies can increase sales and improve engagement.

Text messages can also help to reduce the time between the physician receiving the message and their subsequent action, such as making a prescription. The faster the response, the more effectively the pharma company can cater to their needs, thereby increasing sales.

3. People really like being texted coupons

As consumers, we all love a good deal. And studies have shown that people prefer text message coupons over traditional coupons. In fact, text message coupons are redeemed ten times more often than traditional coupons. This could be because people carry their smartphones with them everywhere, making it easier for them to redeem coupons.

By offering special deals or promotions via text message, pharma companies can incentivize physicians to engage with them and foster better relationships. As such, by using text messaging, pharma companies can enhance their brand and sales.

4. People read text messages quicker

Researchers have found that most text messages are read within 15 minutes of being received. This is much faster than traditional forms of communication like email or phone calls. As such, texting is the most effective way to ensure your messages are received. Thus, pharma reps can rest assured their appointment reminders, follow-up texts, and important information gets delivered and read, resulting in better engagement.

For pharma companies looking to reach physicians, text messaging can be the most powerful tool in the toolkit.

5. People read text messages

The open rate for text messages is around 98%, which is much higher than email or other forms of communication. As a matter of fact, email open rates hover at 30%. That’s a failing grade in any class! But by using text messaging as a means of physician engagement, pharma reps can move to the head of the class.

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ZING Was Made for Text Messaging with Physicians

Text messaging holds enormous potential for pharmaceutical companies looking to engage with physicians. By using the ZING Engagement Suite, companies can take advantage of the benefits of text messaging and drive revenue while fostering better relationships with prescribers. With powerful features like two-way text messaging, automated workflows, and content moderation, ZING can help your teams deliver relevant, compliant, and timely information to physicians in a way that's convenient and effective.

In today's fast-paced and mobile-centric world, text messaging is more important than ever, and pharma companies that don't embrace this trend risk falling behind. So don't wait! Start exploring the opportunities of text messaging for physician engagement today.

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