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The BirdzAI ZING Communication Module is Different… Good Different

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by Kimberly Gregorio | Last Updated: December 10, 2020 | Read Time 1 min read

Tightening policies, the pandemic and human behavior are all bringing about changes in the way pharmaceutical companies communicate with physician customers. Some of these changes are for the better, and some are for the worse. But no matter our opinion, one thing is for certain. These changes are driving innovation.

It wasn’t all that long ago that in-person meetings, direct mail and the occasional landline phone call were all that Pharma reps had at their disposal. Then came the era of pagers and cell phones, which untethered reps from their desks and put them on call 24/7. Next, the world was introduced to the Internet, which brought email and other powerful sales tools into the picture.

Today, Pharma has all the above and more at their disposal. And it is all creating a bit of communication overload, which is evidenced by ever-shrinking email engagement rates within health and life sciences. According to HubSpot1, email open rates for health, Pharma and biotech come in at roughly 20%.

Because of this decreasing rate of return, email is no longer regarded as the centerpiece for physician engagement. More and more reps, instead, are choosing to meet physician customers where they are at; which is usually on their mobile device…when they are not with patients. This has made SMS Text messaging the new crown jewel for physician engagement.

According to recent research2, text message open rates are as high as 98%. When compared to email’s 80% failure rate, it’s hard not to make the case for text messaging. However, before you opt for any old text messaging solution, we encourage you to give our BirdzAI ZING Communication Module a try. It is the only native SMS Text messaging platform built specifically for life sciences organizations. And that’s what makes us different… Good different!

Here is how ZING compares:

Compliance is a Priority

The great thing about the BirdzAI ZING Communication Module is that it helps life sciences sales teams send compliant, custom branded, templated text messages and other digital assets to physician customers via existing text channels. This gives end users the appearance of personalized messaging, but ensures that reps are adhering to compliance protocols and standards, and aren’t using text messages for mass marketing purposes. By preloading preapproved messages and content, guesswork is removed from the equation.

The other great thing about ZING is that it is a stand-alone product that integrates seamlessly with P360’s BirdzAI sales enablement platform. This added functionality helps to further ensure compliance by enabling real-time decision-making that is powered by advanced AI capabilities.

busniess man working on mobile

A Seamless User Experience for Physician Customers

With ZING, pharmaceutical reps can send secure, native SMS Text messages directly to physician customers without barriers. There are no Apps for physician customers to download, portals for them to sign into or subscriptions for them to deal with. To the end-user, ZING offers a seamless, hassle-free experience.

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Helps you Avoid Mass Marketing Pitfalls

Why resort to mass marketing when you can send custom branded, compliant text messages and other digital assets to physician customers via already established text channels? Mass marketing text messages can be frustrating to recipients, especially when the content doesn’t match their interest. ZING helps reduce mass marketing inundation by providing a direct line to your qualified leads – the people that want to hear from you.

Templates Make it Easy

ZING comes equipped with text templates that can be updated often to provide variety and personalization. Your reps can even work with multiple brands within the system, choosing which ones they want at any given time.

P360 will even work with your brand team to develop starter template messages that are compliance approved. Or, if you prefer, you can create your own with the simple user interface. Either way, ZING makes it easy for sales teams to send compliant text messages and other digital assets to physician customers via already established text channels.

Computer screen with graphs

ZING Features a Powerful User Portal

The ZING user portal can be branded and completely customized, and offers administrators a simple way to track individual messages, link clicks, digital asset views and more. The data from the system also integrates back to sales profiles in existing CRM systems. The powerful backend dashboard even offers custom reporting and other management tools.

For more information about the BirdzAI ZING Communication Module, visit the zing page.

About P360

Based in Piscataway Township, New Jersey, P360 is a leading developer of technology for the life sciences industry. Product offerings include BirdzAI, PatientJourney360, Data360, Trials360 and Swittons. To learn more about P360, visit P360.com.


1: https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/average-email-open-rate-benchmark

2: https://www.campaignmonitor.com/blog/email-marketing/2019/01/roi-showdown-sms-marketing-vs-email-marketing/text=Research%20shows%20that%20SMS%20open,to%20respond%20to%20an%20email.&text=Email%20usage%20continues%20to%20grow,were%203.7%20billion%20email%20users