How AI Is Elevating the Pharma Industry

Ai in Industry

by Kimberly Brue | Last Updated: February 16, 2022 | Read Time 1 min read

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Welcome to the third installment of our Infographic Series. We hope that you’ve found the series to be informative and insightful. However, if you’ve missed our first two infographics, don’t worry. You can still view the first one by clicking here and the second infographics here

For our latest infographic, we have put together some statistics that show how AI is elevating the pharma industry. For example, AI can significantly increase the efficiency of pharma sales reps throughout the sales process. The data also reinforces how important digital transformation is for pharmaceutical companies that want to keep pace with the ever-changing pharma-to-physician dynamic.

Here are some other key highlights:

  • AI-powered sales tools can help teams increase productivity by up to 40%.
  • 64% of website visitors expect 24-hour chatbot customer service.
  • 50% of patients are willing to receive AI-enabled care.

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